
Tuesday, November 25, 2008


HAHAHA!!! Yesterday, I got a call from Courtney, she was informing me that my 21st birthday is on Mardi Gras! (YAY BEADS!!! (just kidding)) I told Courtney that both of my Tuesday classes were canceled and that I'd still be leaving school on Tuesday (today). Courtney didn't like that idea and suggested that I come home early like after my last class on Monday (yesterday). I thought that it was an option I hadn't thought of, Courtney even mentioned that if I came home early then we could surprise my mom. Well, I did just that, I loaded my car before class and left for home right after class. I even talked to my mom in the process of packing and right before I was on the road, but I kept my mouth shut so I could surprise her! I left Azusa at about 4:30pm and got home around 9pm I made perfect time (there wasn't any traffic). I wanted Courtney to be there when the whole SURPRISE happened, so I stopped by Courtney's place (she was having bible study and was close to being done (and I really had to go to the bathroom... I held it from the grapevinve until I got home... not a smart idea!)). Courtney was ready to head over to get her dogs, and I followed behind her giggling the whole time, Courtney walked into the living room with me in tow, my mom was confused and when she realized it was me she screamed a little and started laughing because our plan had worked and I had surprised her!

MmmMmm Good....

List 10 random things about you and food:
  1. I love ICE CREAM!
  2. I can eat a whole economy size bag of craisins in a week.
  3. I love baking cookies and brownies, but don't usually eat them.
  4. I HATE lamb, mayonnaise, and fresh tomatoes.
  5. I never had tried kiwi until I was 18 (that's how I found out I'm allergic).
  6. I love bananas, but only eat them when they are still a little green
  7. My biggest food weakness is anything with peanut butter.
  8. I eat In-n-Out at least twice a month.
  9. Pretty much everyone on my mom's side CAN cook. I know that I won't be going home hungry.
  10. I hate eating by myself. I think it's because since I was little we always ate dinner together as a family.

Saturday, November 22, 2008


Sleep... who needs it? Well, apparently I do. I haven't been getting a good nights sleep since Hawaii. I go to bed at a decent hour let's just say midnight and for some reason I just can't wake up! Also, the school fixed the code entry for the gated entrance (my apartment happens to be at one of the entrances), all I hear at night it beeping and it lasts for hours! Seriously, there could be an emergency and I won't wake up. All this sleep, has led me to staying up later. I'm sick of not being able to fall asleep by midnight, and waking up by 8 a.m. at the latest. Even when I do wake up before 8 a.m., I feel so lethargic and crash not long after waking... boring classes lead to a snoring student... (I really don't snore) the harder I try to stay awake the worse it is. If I give in and take a nap I find myself up until 3 sometimes 4 a.m.

So, should I give in and take a sleeping aid? Will I become dependent (have to always take a pill to fall asleep)?

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

A Great Song

My friend Jolene Kline wrote a song called Boys Are Dumb, she even recorded it! Well through her laptop... Anyways I can't for the life of me figure out how to post it, so if anyone knows how to post audio clips let me know!

I've Decided...

I decided to start the preparation to decorate my apartment. I have started to cut snowflakes out of paper. There I said it... sue me... I'm a hypocrite! But, they aren't hanging yet and probably won't for a while. As I said I'm preparing to decorate.

Monday, November 17, 2008


I have actually read books other than textbooks this semester, which has been surprising. I have read mostly Nicholas Sparks books, like Message in a Bottle, Dear John, The Choice, and A Bend in the Road; I have also been rereading Captivating by John and Stasi Eldredge; I have also been able to read Harry Potter and The Sorcerer's Stone (it was for my English class, but it's not technically a textbook); and of course I have been reading my Bible (not just for my Exodus Deuteronomy class) I actually choose to read it (that sounds bad but it's true).

I have been against reading a certain book series just because it doesn't sound that appealing to me. I'm sad to say that I have been persuaded to read the first book of the Twilight series... I haven't started it yet but I am borrowing a friends book. I feel like I shouldn't be reading this book, especially it took since the very beginning of June until now that I put up a fight about not reading it. almost 6 months... 1/2 a year... so why now? I'm out of books to read... there are no more books in my apartment that I haven't read... I need something to do other than Facebook, Myspace, and Pioneer Woman, and you can only do so much homework in one sitting. Christmas is just a little too far away, I've made my list of things I want and books are in that list, but I can't buy the books I put on the list unless I don't get them for Christmas.

Also, I decided after getting an "A" on the narrative I wrote earlier in the semester to add to the story of my dream wedding. I will be working on it off and on so far, changes have been made, there is more description, and the reception is being thought out. I'm hoping I can put enough story line in to it that it becomes a book... I can dream and pray and cross my fingers right?
I'll keep you updated on my endeavor. If you have any ideas for the story let me know! All ideas will be considered and grately appreciated!

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Since When?

Since when do Police have their own parking spots in a shopping center? Last night, I went and saw Quantum of Solace, the new James Bond movie (it's good), but while we were parking the only open spot said "Police", really do the cops need a spot that bad? Besides it wasn't that great of a spot. I thought it was hilarious so I took a picture. :)

They would have their own parking spot.

Hair Today. Gone Tomorrow

Yesterday I got my haircut, at a 5 star salon. Before you get all that's way too much money; on me. Hear me out. So, in September, I bought a package deal, this promotion includes a) Back Facial b) Hair Cut c) Facial and d) Hair Coloring/Highlights, this deal is originally just over $300... I got it for $40... So doing the math 4 different things equals $10 each... It's a steal if you ask me! But, it does have its perks with discounts on products and other gimmicks. I've so far, done 2 of the promotions, the Back Facial (seriously a facial for your back, my back was clear of blemishes so it turned into a massage) and the Haircut (shampoo, deep conditioner, scalp massage, cut, and style).

My hair was in dire need of at least a trim, but it was also at this really awkward length. So, I told Nicole (the stylist that cut my hair) that it's too thick and a solid length and it's just awkward! Nicole fixed my hair, she left the length (I really do want to grow my hair out), and she put lots of layers instead of just one, and thinned my hair out...

You know when you first get your haircut differently and you're not fully sure if you like it or not... I've been trying to figure it out all day, I liked it while sitting in the chair after she had finished all the snipping and cutting, but when I got back to my apartment I wasn't so sure what to think... It's cute but I'm not so sure how much it fits me; it isn't quite my style...

Sorry, it's a mirror shot.

This one is a little better.

I learned that if I don't do my hair right it looks like I have a mullet, great, I can't just throw my hair up into a ponytail. Thank God for hats!

Tell me what you think...

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Title's are Over Rated

I know, I haven't finished talking about my trip to Hawaii, school has been a little busy (it has taken over my life). Most of you read my sister's blog, and well, it's the same story... except she has pictures too! So if you're that interested in knowing about the rest of the trip, take a gander at my sister's blog.

So, my life as of now is very umm... it's well... hmm... I'm not sure... it's boring! I have class and chapel and homework and finding time to just relax and hang out with my friends. That's what's going on here.

Oh yeah, I forgot to mention I'm over Adam. He's dating another girl, who happens to be best friends with my roommate. But, I met a guy in one of my classes who is really cute, he's a christian, was in the Army, smart, nice, older than me (is 25 too old?)... have I mentioned that he is from Turlock, CA? So, my new crushes name is Garren. I'm not going to get ahead of myself, this is not in my hands to control.

I'm pretty much rambling now, so I'm just going to stop here. Have a great day!

41 days...

I got an email today counting down the days until Christmas. FYI: there are 41 days until then.
Christmas really seems to have slipped up fast. Everyone at school (minus me) have been decorating and spreading the Christmas cheer. I feel like Scrooge, I'm just not ready for the Christmas cheer. Whatever happened to Thanksgiving? I keep hearing the same excuse, "We want our decorations up for longer than a week". You see we technically only have one week until Christmas break after Thanksgiving, well one week of actual classes and then the next week are finals. I understand the wanting to decorate, and the reason for decorating so early, but Christmas has almost caught me by surprise by sneaking up on me so fast. I've made my Christmas list it's separated into 2 different sections. No, I am not anal, I decided to make my list into Needs and Wants. I never in a hundred years thought I would be asking for home decor or kitchen appliances, but there is a time where you grow up and move out and have to start from scratch.

For the sake of me, could you so kindly not be all Christmas-y until after Thanksgiving?

Monday, November 10, 2008

21 Tips to Live a Good Life

ONE. Give people more than they expect and do it cheerfully

TWO. Marry a man/woman you love to talk to. As you get older, their conversational skills will be as important as any other.

THREE. Don't believe all you hear, spend all you have or sleep all you want.

FOUR. When you say, 'I love you ,' mean it.

FIVE. When you say, 'I'm sorry,' look the person in the eye

SIX. Be engaged at least six months before you get married.

SEVEN. Believe in love at first sight.

EIGHT. Never laugh at anyone's dream. People who don't have dreams don't have much.

NINE. Love deeply and passionately. You might get hurt but it's the only way to live life completely.

TEN.. In disagreements, fight fairly. No name calling.

ELEVEN. Don't judge people by their relatives.

TWELVE. Talk slowly but think quickly.

THIRTEEN. When someone asks you a question you don't want to answer, smile and ask, 'Why do you want to know?'

FOURTEEN. Remember that great love and great achievements involve great risk.

FIFTEEN. Say 'bless you' when you hear someone sneeze.

SIXTEEN. When you lose, don't lose the lesson !

SEVENTEEN. Remember the three R's: Respect for self; Respect for others; and responsibility for all your actions.

EIGHTEEN. Don't let a little dispute injure a great friendship..

NINETEEN. When you realize you've made a mistake, take immediate steps to correct it.

TWENTY. Smile when picking up the phone. The caller will hear it in your voice.

TWENTY-ONE. Spend some time alone.

Saturday, November 1, 2008

A Few Photos of HI

I learned how to make lei's

there's a sea turtle somewhere in the water next to me...

orchids, so pretty... and these ones smelled like vanilla

some horses owned by Parker Ranch that are held in a field behind my aunt and uncle's place they didn't come up to us until I gave them apples

I was luring them in with the apples

we found a chameleon in my aunt and uncle's front yard we named her lolo it means crazy in Hawaiian (she has crazy eyes)

on the beach before we left for the airport

my dr. pepper while everyone else (minus Courtney) got beer

this is what I do when at a beach and then I swim and dry by laying out....