
Tuesday, November 25, 2008

MmmMmm Good....

List 10 random things about you and food:
  1. I love ICE CREAM!
  2. I can eat a whole economy size bag of craisins in a week.
  3. I love baking cookies and brownies, but don't usually eat them.
  4. I HATE lamb, mayonnaise, and fresh tomatoes.
  5. I never had tried kiwi until I was 18 (that's how I found out I'm allergic).
  6. I love bananas, but only eat them when they are still a little green
  7. My biggest food weakness is anything with peanut butter.
  8. I eat In-n-Out at least twice a month.
  9. Pretty much everyone on my mom's side CAN cook. I know that I won't be going home hungry.
  10. I hate eating by myself. I think it's because since I was little we always ate dinner together as a family.

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