
Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Ten on Tuesday

Ten on Tuesday

I'm trying something a little different for me suggested by my sis Courtney

1. If you could travel back in time, would you? What decade would you visit?
Definitely! I would love to have met/got to know my maternal grandparents I was born a year to late to "meet" my Bompi and even then I wouldn't have remembered him as for my Mimi I at least had 4 years with her but only have a few vague memories with her. So, I would say decade wise late 70s to mid 80s.

2. What was your best Halloween costume? (fun to make? most creative?)
My favorite costume was a flower growing in a pot... I was that several times growing up my Mom made the costume for me and I think I wore it until it didn't fit anymore... I do have a perfect idea for halloween this coming year but I don't want any copy cats and I need to find a few more people who will dress up with me ;)

3. Do you like your name? If you weren’t called by your name, what would you want to be called?
I like my name now! I used to hate my name because it was uncommon until I was a senior in high school!!! I wanted my name to be Sally for awhile, I'm not sure why but I used to like that name.

4. In the past year, what is the BEST recipe you made. Please share it!
"BEST" recipe? This is tough!!! Well Courtney and I made a cookie cake pie... it was very very rich, but so good! What did I make on my own though? Oatmeal cranberry white chocolate chunk cookies! Find the recipe here!

5. Look around – what is the nearest object or picture hanging on the wall?
Sailing pictures! I'm on my Dad's computer and he loves boats! several of the pictures are of my dad sailing in either his Hobie Catamaran or Catalina 25.

6. What was the last movie you saw in a theater? Would you recommend it?
Valentine's Day. I would absolutely reccommend it! It was a perfect chick flick and was hilarious!

7. Did you go to summer camp? Will you/do you send your kids to camp?
I sure did for 6 years! I even counseled there for a summer :) I think I'll send my future kids to camp it is a great experience for kids to grow!

8. What kind of ringtone do you have?
I have a few good ones my sis Paige and I bluetooth songs to each other. One of my favorites is "I don't feel like dancing"-- Sissor Sisters

9. Where is the farthest away from home you have ever been?
Farthest would be Knoxville, TN. or would it be Ohahu, HI

10. Has anyone ever written a song or a poem for or about you?
Actually yes. After I broke up with a former boyfriend he tried to "win" me back by writing a poem about me... Let's just say it was more stalkerish than romantic and it clarified that I made the correct decision to not be in that relationship!

Courtesy of: Roots and Rings

1 comment:

  1. Ok...what's your costume idea...? And btw, the Big Island is further than Oahu.
