
Friday, December 23, 2011

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

It's been awhile

Time is what we want most, but... what we use worst.  ~William Penn

Instead of trying to fill you in on the past 6 months of the year... 

man, has it really been 6 months?

Maybe I should recap...  Nah! I'll spare you all of the details of two of my siblings weddings that were just barely a month apart!

What I really want to share with you is that I've made a few changes. Without further ado: 
  1. I changed the name of my blog! I've been in the blogging world for almost 4 years and I really wasn't attached to "Grace Like Reign". I've thought of a couple new names but didn't really think they fit me or my blog if you know what I mean. For the past 2 or more years I have really been chasing after something. I've been through so many struggles in the last year or so and seeking and yearning the love of God to consume me and never let me go. The truth that is so apparent in Jesus' life and love for others. I've wanted that truth. The new name fits my life perfectly and I'm so excited for this fresh start as "Chasing Truth".

  2. I changed the URL! Now you can find me at

  3. I changed the layout! I'm not sold with the layout right now, but I'm figuring out exactly what I want and how I want it.

I will eventually get around to telling you all about my summer.
OK, so maybe I won't... but if you really, really want to know what I've been up to because you'll just dye if I don't tell you then leave a comment and I'll respond with a post.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Backwards complements

I'm a bad blogger and I'm sorry...

Seriously though, something happened a little over a week ago, and I didn't even think to blog about it.

A couple of Wednesday's ago I had a doctors appointment, it was an annual eye exam. Nothing too big of a deal. My eyes aren't really that bad, but I do have a hard time seeing things (I'm far sighted if that helps). Well I was due for a new pair of glasses and had some help from one of the workers. I wanted a straight up honest opinion on which of 3 glasses looked better on me.

These are the glasses I ended up getting. I really, really like them!

Fast forward to yesterday evening...
My hair was super straight and I was wearing my new glasses. My brother stopped by to pick something up and talk to my parents. He noticed my new glasses and says, "you look like Courtney now". To me this is the strangest of things. Why? Because to be honest Courtney and I look nothing a like. Yes we look related. But I've never been told I look like Courtney (she's blonde, has green/blue eyes, she's more fair skinned than me and not freckly). I'm so used to being recognized as Christian or Paige's little sister (Paige and I looked like twins as we were growing up Christian and I well let's just say I'm the girl version of him).

I'm not upset with the comment Christian made. I know he didn't mean it as a bad thing. It just caught me off guard is all. Courtney is gorgeous. I'm glad that as I grow older I'm starting to look more like my oldest sister.

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Monday, May 23, 2011

What (not) to wear

I briefly mentioned that I'm going on a date this week. I'm clueless on what to wear or not wear.

My date is with someone I've been friends with for a few years now and has actually seen me at my worst (allergic reactions at camp... Actually just camp in general). So I don't want to go over the top with what I wear. However our date will take place in San Francisco ( I've always thought you have to dress up when you go into a big city... Is this true?). We will have dinner and go to a concert.

Do you need pictures of a few items from my closet? Maybe a few outfits that I've thought of?
What do you suggest I wear? Are jeans too casual? Is a nice dress too formal? HELP! I don't know what to wear (or not to wear)!

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Thursday, May 19, 2011

Meat lovers

Since the beginning of December I have not been a red meat eater. My family usually has some sort of red meat at least 2x a week. Hamburger is fine but steak, tri tip, prime rib, etc. I become nauseous just from the sight and smell of them.

It's literally been 6 months since I've had red meat... Ok well, I'm not counting hamburgers, I love me some hamburgers!!! But in all honesty I have had one meal, a tri-tip sandwich, and it didn't satisfy me like it used to.

I used to crave steak, but now the only way I'll eat red meat is in hamburger form (In-n-Out to be exact).

Have you ever stopped eating/drinking something because you got sick? Or just it doesn't appeal to you anymore?

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Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Anxiously waiting

Have you ever waited? Do you have patience when waiting?

Patience is not in my vocabulary. It's not that I can't be patient, or maybe that is the case... I'm just not good at being patient or maybe it's because I just don't want to be patient. I am an anxious waiter. Does that work? Even if it doesn't work that's who I am!

There are so many things coming up that I am excited about and it seems as if they are never going to happen. My days seem to be so slow! Do you ever feel this way?

Did I not mention what ALL these "things" that I'm looking forward to are? Oops my bad! I know you were are thinking "how rude!". So all this excitement without any patience starts next Friday! (cue Rebecca Black's song...) You know you were thinking it!... Sorry if that song is now stuck in your head! Ok maybe I'm not... Back to what I was saying; next Friday I'm super excited about...

I'm going on a DATE with someone I've known for a couple years now. We are going to San Francisco to have dinner and go to a concert!

In a little over 2 weeks I pack my bags and move to Mission Springs for the summer. Continue praying for me, the staff, campers, and Frontier Ranch! I will post more about this later.

The first weekend that I'm in Santa Cruz, I'm venturing out to watch my cousin graduate with her masters in engineering from Stanford University.

The third weekend in June I will be home because... CHRISTIAN IS FINALLY GETTING MARRIED!!! :)

AND the fourth weekend in June my sisters plus some are celebrating Paige's bachelorette in Santa Cruz! I get to actually be apart of it! :)

When July rolls around a few more exciting events are scheduled for me. Such as the second weekend in July some of the lunch bunch girls (I've known these girls since kindergarten and fourth grade and we try to get together when we're all in town.) are going to be camping(?) in Santa Cruz. I can't wait to join them for little bits during the days/nights that they will be there!

And the third weekend in July I will be home again because... PAIGE IS GETTING MARRIED!!! :)

I'm so excited and ready for the summer! (I'm jumping up and down in excitement... Seriously I am!)

Are you anxious about anything? Are you patient? Are you ready for summer to be here?

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Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Freckle Juice

Ever since I can remember I've had freckles. They. Are. My. Favorite. Feature. Seriously though, I love my freckles! I have lots of them too! I've heard that I've been "kissed by angels" and that I'm "sun kissed" and a lot of other compliments regarding my freckles all my life!

The weather has been great lately. The sun is out and warming things up. I have been making every excuse to be outside. All the sun that I've been enjoying has graced my skin read: tan with NEW freckles!!! I've noticed I have a fairly decent sized one on my bottom lip! Who knew you could get freckles on your lips?!? I've gained several more on the rest of my face, but I can't tell you which ones because I have so many!

Spring is finally here and summer is soon to follow! I absolutely love warm weather and have so many events are happening starting Saturday (every single weekend until June there is something going on) I look forward to being busy!

Do you have a feature that you are always complimented for? What are you looking forward to this spring and summer?

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Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Exciting News

Remember back when I worked at a camp over the summer a couple of times? I will be returning to the Santa Cruz Mountains yet again for the summer! The last couple of times I worked at Mission Springs up at Frontier Ranch I was a camp counselor. This summer I will not be returning as a camp counselor, but as a... (insert drum roll here)... RED HAT! Okay so I'll beat you to the punch line before you ask what that even is... and yes I will be wearing a "red" hat :)

Red Hats also known as Challenge Course Team are in charge of but not limited to... Zip Line, Rock Wall, High Ropes Course, and Flying Squirrel... Pretty much if it has a rope, harness, helmet, and carabiners I will be in charge of it! I'll be one of six red hats and I am support staff.

I'll touch on what support staff means. I will not be sleeping in a cabin, but instead in "the lodge" where ALL support staff lives for the summer. I DO get to interact with the campers everyday just not like being a counselor does.

I officially start on June 5th for two weeks of training the first day of camp is June 19th which also happens to be the day after my brother's wedding... Now that you have connected the dots and are probably thinking "Girl you be Krazy!" (I really must be crazy if I spell crazy with a K...) Two siblings are getting married not even a full month apart and my parents will need my help, BUT they understand my reasons for getting out of town and just coming home for the weddings. I already have days off for said weddings, AND this isn't even about me! I get to spend a summer honoring my Lord Almighty :) and camp will conclude on August 13th.

Sure my summer is going to be boring extremely exciting and busy, I do think that God has placed this in my narrow rocky path for a reason. And I'm excited for you all to live vicariously through me at camp!

Two months and counting :)

Did you go to camp? What kind of camp was it? How many years did you attend? If you didn't go to camp did you wish you could? and Will you send your kids to camp?


Those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength.
Isaiah 40:31 NIV

God can bring rest to us, even in the midst of our busy and challenging days.

Now that it's been good weather; I've noticed that I have become a lot busier. Somedays I feel as if my days are over booked and that I just need a moment to myself. Have you EVER had one of those years? Months? Weeks? Days?.... Oh it's just me?... Ok so this is a bit awkward....

I really can't remember what happened in the month of March... I failed at writing every single day for the month... does writing everyday for 2 weeks count? I tried ok? I told you I can't remember what even happened all of a sudden April was here!

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Wednesday, March 16, 2011


Happy 3rd blogiversary!

I cannot believe it has been 3 years already!!! Sadly I am a horrible blogger and have neglected posting on it several times... Many times...Too many times

I'm trying to get a fresh start, by posting everyday this month because it is after all my blogs starting month! It has been a challenge to keep up with blogging especially on the weekends AND coming up with things to post is no easy feat. So, congrats to me for getting through the first half of the month!!!

I'm not going to promise anything but I am going to try and keep up with posting at least once a week once the month of March is over.

Thank you to all of you who read my blog, new and old you are all appreciated!

Here is to another year of blogging!

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Friday, March 11, 2011

Earthquakes and Tsunamis

I have always been interested in earthquakes and tsunamis. There is something about them that I find fascinating but terrifying at the same time. In 4th grade during one of my breaks I even took a "class" on geology. We learned about the plates, volcanoes, earthquakes, and tsunamis... Oh and rocks... In 6th grade we had to write a report (term paper) on a specific natural disaster... I chose tsunamis...

Never in my life would I think that a place that is so dear to me would be affected by an 8.9 earthquake that took place on the other side of the pacific ocean.

Last night as I was getting ready to go to bed as usual the nighttime news was on but this time it was live in Japan an 8.9 magnitude had hit and there was a tsunami warning for Hawaii. I didn't want to go to bed because I was so in shock about how big the earthquake was!

This morning I find out that there was a 30 foot wave (tsunami) that had hit Japan, the tsunami that hit Hawaii was a 7 foot wave AND Santa Cruz, CA was affected as well. And they are predicting that it's only going to get worse throughout the day.

Something is going on under the earth's surface and it is scaring the living daylight out of me!

My heart goes out to those who have been affected by the earthquake and tsunami! I'm praying for healing, comfort and strength for all who were affected by these disasters.

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Wednesday, March 9, 2011


I'm crazy about frozen yogurt. There should be rehab for such an obsession (... that went too far... ) or maybe I just need some therapy.

I hadn't been to froyo almost all winter, last night was the first in a month or two...
IT WAS SO so SO so SO so SO so SO so SO so SO so SO so good tasty YUMMY!!!

First off they let you sample for FREE(zies) and when you haven't been in awhile you HAVE to sample them ALL!!!

The decision was a tough one to make, because a couple of flavors that I wanted wouldn't be the best combo
the flavors I wanted:

1) Mint
2) Coconut
3) Peanut Butter
4) Banana
5) Cookies & Cream

The flavors I got....


Seriously, it tasted like a pb&j sandwich! YUM :)

I didn't even want Strawberry (not much of a fan of Strawberry ice cream froyo) but I had a genius idea and went for it... I am very glad that I did too!

Do you like ice cream or frozen yogurt better?

What is your favorite flavor/combination/toppings?

If you could have ANY flavor for ice cream/froyo what would it be?


For some reason or a brother my family has been dealing with DRAMA! I'm not one for drama it stresses me out and I become anxious and exhausted. First the drama and stress was about the 2 weddings this summer, now it's about 2 siblings moving.

The only common factor is my brother...

I've told my siblings (all three of them) to keep me out of their feuds, but somehow I turned into the messenger, and this messenger has been shot dead!

I am exhausted! Done. El fin. Over it (not really but I wish to be).

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Ten on Tuesday

Go to Chelsea's blog rootsandrings to join the fun!

1. How did your parents decide on your name?
The story I've heard all my life is that while my mom was nursing Paige and was pregnant with me (mom correct me if I'm wrong please!) she would watch soap operas one of which the token hott guy was named Caitlin, but they changed the spelling to Kaitlin because of Paige (they didn't want Paige to feel left out by not having the same first letter as everyone else)

2. Do your initials (First, Middle, Last) spell out anything fun/funny?
KEM... Too bad my first name doesn't start with the letter R (my initials would be REM)...

3. Did you take your middle name from childhood or did you take your maiden name as your middle name? (If unmarried, what do you plan to do?)
I've decided that my future husband has to give up his last name because Montague is such an awesome last name and I don't want to give it up! Just kidding although I love my last name I'll take my husbands.

4. Are you or will you name your children thematically (ie. same first letter, all of same origin…)
I never really thought about it... I will not be using the same first letter for their names... (I will not be influenced by the Dugger's). I think biblical names would be cool though!

5. Did you decide on baby names as a little girl? Did you stick to them or change your mind?
Well if that's the case if I have girls their names would be Christina or Michelle and boys would be Matthew and William (I have nothing against these names, I have grown away from common names the more I think about baby names).

6. Does your family have any names that have been passed down?
Kind of my dad was named after both of his grandpa's, my brothers middle name is my dads first name, on my moms side all the first born girls have the same middle name, my other sisters middle names are from my nana and my grampy, and my middle name is the same as my moms youngest sister and a great grandma (?). But nobody in my family is a jr. Or 3rd or anything like that.

7. Do you look at the meaning of the name or just the name itself?
I like the idea of what names mean and they might factor in, in some cases (I don't want the name to mean anything bad!)

8. Do you name pets with human names (Sally, Henry) or with pet names (Fluffy, Mr. Bo Bo)?
Both we had a dog named Oscar and my sisters dog is named Riley. My frogs are named Fred (I made it easy on myself they look exactly the same) all the rest of our pets are either named after something like Hobie, Skippy and Monty (which is a nickname for Montague).

9. Are there any names that you have an affinity or dislike for based on a childhood experience/someone you once knew?
Yes! More than you would think! I think a lot of it has to do with growing up in a small town everyone has the same name (it seems that way at least) and I enjoyed being the only Kaitlin until my senior year! The other reason is that some weren't nice people and I associate their names to how they act.

10. What are some of your favorite names?
I really like older names like Olive and Pearl for girls and Dean and Levi for boys. I also really like when girls have boy names (Charlie, Taylor, Ryan, Max and Jordyn)

Monday, March 7, 2011


On Sunday Courtney, my mom and I went to Ikea. It was fabulous! I love looking around and imagining the furniture as my own and where it would be in my imaginary apartment/house. Courtney actually was buying furniture for her house and my mom was getting something that I can't think of on the top of my head... I ended up buying an apple cutter and a set of stacking baskets (I'm trying to be organized).

Ikea = love :)

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Five books I can't live without

I've been slowly going through all of my belongings (example: clothes, jewelry, books, movies, etc.) while looking at my books to start thinking about which ones to purge. I noticed 5 books that I just can't live without.

1) The Bible- without it I'm lost! I know it's a Sunday school answer but it truly is a book that I can't live without!

2)To Kill A Mockingbird- I have read this book so many times that that cover is barely hanging on! Every summer my mom always made us choose a book to read, I'm pretty positive that she picked it for me in 5th or 6th grade (I probably wanted an American Girl magazine or something of that sort). I'm thankful for my mom buying this book for me it's lasted almost 13 years of being read yearly!

3) The Shack by Wm. Paul Young-I got this book in my Christmas stocking a few years ago. When I started reading it I could not put it down... I think I might've lost some sleep and skipped a few meals just because I was hooked! This book captured me and really made me think about how I perceive things (God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit). 

4) The Velveteen Rabbit- My mom probably read this to me when I was little a KAJILLION times (and yes kajillion is a number that I totally just made up! I love this book if you have never heard of or read it YOU MUST DO SO NOW!!!

5) Candide by Voltaire- So usually in school when you're assigned a book to read you kick and scream and find the spark notes for it... My sophomore year in high school my English assigned Candide I actually read it and a really loved it! It was old literature so the language was different but there was a charm to it that I would stink on rice trying to describe it.

What are 5 books that you can't live without?

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Saturday, March 5, 2011


I've been praying a lot lately about my future in regards to marriage and occupation. I am aware that I am only 23 and have time to settle down and and figure out where God wants me to be working. Each day when these topics are brought up while in prayer I've been put at ease that God is still working in my heart and my future's heart. With that there is a comfort that all will be alright. It's been a battle of mine not knowing exactly what my future beholds (I'm not one who enjoys surprises), but within the last year I know that Jesus is more than enough for me. Whether I get married or not Jesus will always be with me and what is greater than that!? I continually hear that I will make a great wife and mom. I take these compliments are genuine and true (hospitality is one of my gifts), however I know that at this point in my life being a wife or even a parent is not for me. I love feeling needed and wanted, but I myself need and want to grow to be better (more mature, loving, caring, and more in love with Christ). This last summer I was in a relationship and now that it is said and done and I've been able to look back and see that there were issues that would have broken the relationship later on down the road I'm glad that it ended sooner than later. I've also realized how much in love with the thought of being in a relationship more than actually being in a relationship. I've been trying to find my way back to the Almighty King. Our culture is all about status whether it is monetary, appearance and relationships... Right now, I am only going to touch base on one of the three; relationships. Our culture has put relationships in the "I need to have it" and  the "I want to have it" categories. I find my self seeming desperate with such a thought of "I want" or "I need".

In Genesis when God creates Adam He makes him a companion. No creature would suffice. God gets this CRAZY idea that the only companion for man is of man! God created woman out of Adam's rib... God has given every creature he created a desire to have a companion/mate/soulmate. Then why do I feel desperate for longing for that companion? My mind is telling me the reasons why I want to be in a relationship and none of the reasons have anything to do with the one who created relationships; God.

I am excited for the day God reveals his plan for me, but for now I wait for Him to call and lead me.

Friday, March 4, 2011


In August I started watching two toddlers. My weekly schedule is Mon.-Thurs. from 7:40am-3:30pm.
About a month ago I started watching two more toddlers (TWINS) I watch them on Fridays from 9:45am-2:00pm. I absolutely love being a part of the Alvernaz and Dickey families as their nanny. The role that I've been given as caregiver for their children is a honor. These kids are full of curiosity, laughter, excitement and growth. And there has yet to be a dull moment. I will say that everything has its ups and downs and each day I have to work with whatever mood the kids may be in good and bad. 
KatieJoy is 22 months old and her vocabulary has taken off like a rocket! She is a kinetic learner and is a true girl! Tutu's, purses, shoes, painted toe nails, and baby dolls she loves them all (except her hair being played with and bows...)! She nicknamed me Kiki.  I love  it when her days are full of smiles and laughter, because when she's upset she lets you know!

Calen 3 years old. This goof ball has an imagination that my reality cannot handle! He is all about cars, trains and toy story. He loves books and movies (because of him I can recite The Polar Express word for word!) and can recite several movies almost to a T! Everyday this guy puts a smile on my face by doing or saying something funny (he doesn't always know why I'm laughing though!)

Carson and Harper just turned 1 in January. They are walking with no assistance and are starting to talk; it's still hard to understand exactly what they're saying but at least they're trying!

Nannying has been a great job for me this year, but I now have a new found respect for parents (including my own). Watching children all day all week has taught me my weakest and my strongest moments.The realization of just how hard times can be and how right now in my life I am not ready to have kids of my own!

Thursday, March 3, 2011


I have never been a bridesmaid. I've always wanted to be, but not many people I'm close with are married.

As many of you know this summer is going to be crazy busy for my family. For those who don't know are probably scratching your heads and wondering why?

Well in the middle June my brother is getting married. Not even/barely a month later in July one of my sisters is also getting married!

I've only been asked to be a bridesmaid in my sister's wedding. I'm super excited, she has told all of us bridesmaids to choose a red dress. I found 2 dresses online that I like

1) cotton dress, a little bit lower than knee length.

2) just above the knee, $10 more than dress #1

I was sueded Into buying dress 1)

It arrived on Friday last week. I tried it on and was not pleased at all!!! I know that I have some weight to lose (more than people would guess) before the weddings but this dress amplified my problem areas... EWWW!!!! Luckily I have until July before needing a red dress (4 months away... Almost?) so I'm returning dress 1)

I'm debating whether I should even try dress 2)

Or if I should actually go shopping so I can try the dresses on before buying...

What are your thoughts?

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Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Wish I was Here Wednesday

I wish I was here Wednesday...

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Tuesday, March 1, 2011

My body is HIS temple

For quite some time now I've wanted a tattoo. I've spent years thinking about what I'd get and where I'd want it. I don't want anything that is permanent on my body that:

1) is "common" like a butterfly, dolphin, flower, cartoon or some sort of Chinese symbol that supposedly means love.

2) is HUGE and can't be covered when needed.

3) is in a place that is never seen... by the sun or anyone else. Honestly why get something permanent on your body if it is always hidden?

4) doesn't mean anything significant to me.

5) is dishonoring to my parents and my FATHER.

Before I turned 18 my parents mainly my mom told me that if I ever get a tattoo/piercing while in school and under their roof, my punishment would getting kicked out of the house and school would be completely on my own. I never want to dishonor my parents so I agreed. Besides if I had gotten a tattoo once I turned 18 then I would probably have a Chinese symbol "faith" on my stomach or I would've had my belly button pierced. I was in high school and that was what everybody was doing or had!

Being a Christian has also thrown me a curve ball. I know plenty of Christians who have tattoos and all have a significant meaning to each one of them, whether it's a bible verse or something that declares their faith and love in Jesus or it stands for something/someone in their family.

But, if I say I'm a Christian that means I know and understand that I was made in God's own image and that my body is HIS temple.

So, does that mean that I would be dishonoring Him by getting a tattoo?

What about dying my hair? Having my ears pierced? What about wearing makeup? Wearing colored contacts? Or what about plastic surgery?

I do wear makeup and my ears are pierced. Does this make me a bad person? Or a dishonoring child of God?

I don't think it is...

Why now? And what's the point to this post?

The other day I was in a "mood" the kind where you don't want to be around anyone particularly just God... I know you've never had one of those days right? It's just me that has those kind of days.

What I found my self doing and definitely not intentionally was going deep in prayer. The kind when you feel most vulnerable. While praying I was arguing with God. I was so mad at Him... I'm not going to give details on why, but when I stopped arguing and finally started to listen He said in a hushed soothing voice (the kind that your parents used when you were a child and had been hurt) that His love lasts always and forever, that He will never stop loving me and has loved me since the creation if mankind... How awesome and humbling is that? His love will outlast everything and everyone. And that no matter what He will always love me more than I can imagine!

It was so clear! I know now exactly what I would get as a tattoo and an idea as to where I would put it... Visible yet CAN be hidden. I need it to be in a more visible spot. A place that will continually be viewed by me to remind me that "HIS love lasts".

I'd like to hear:

1) Do you have any tattoos?
2) What do they mean?
3) What would you get?
4) Where would you want it?
5) Where do you stand on tattoos/piercings?
6) What is your point of view on your body is God's temple?

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Thursday, February 24, 2011

23 going on 60

My life has been super busy lately between nannying for two different families and helping out with the track and field team at my Alma Mater, Hilmar High School and helping my sister move into her new house; I realized last week that February was half way over and that my birthday was just a week away... Well folks today is my birthday! I don't feel any different than yesterday, but that doesn't stop the new number I know have to say when asked my age... and I know 23 is nothing to complain about.

As you've read from a post about my summer, I had mentioned taking time off from school, I'm not sure the reason(s) why God led me to take a break, one thing I do know is that in just six months I have fallen even deeper in LOVE with Almighty Dad :) I've built stronger healthier relationships new and old and let go of A few unnecessary ones. I've also been learning about God's grace... Most of the time I feel that I don't deserve His grace, but that's the cool thing about grace it's not something you earn! Which has taught me how to be gracious towards others, I'm only human so I'll tell you now this is no easy feat!

Sorry, I got sidetracked and a little carried away! Back to being 23... Today I woke up feeling 60, my body aches! Especially my back it's been hurting for about a week and I think it has only gotten worse. Thus explaining and concluding the 37 year age gap. Physically I feel old. :(

I'm thankful that I've been able to experience yet another year in my life. And thank you to all of you for being a part of my life big or small, bad or good... Thank you!

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Wednesday, February 9, 2011


I. Am. Determined.

To stick with or start and complete some of my resolutions. I've been reading the Bible every day which has been a struggle for me. It's not that I don't want to read it. It's the time commitment and just doing it... I have been reading, but I'm really starting to lose interest in reading and it might be because I'm still in the books of the law.
I've also decided to be healthier I've taken baby steps to eat more fruits and veggies and have been trying to cut a lot of the junk food out of my diet... Instead of eating chips I've been eating carrots or apples ( I think it helps that carrots and apples are crunchy just chips....). And when I'm craving something sweet I've been adding just a little bit of chocolate syrup to a glass of milk. The other part of being healthier is getting into shape... And I really struggle with this because it doesn't come as easily as it used to, lets face it I'm not in high school anymore and I'm not playing any sports like I did in high school... I miss the days where I looked forward to playing soccer or running after school because that's what you do when you're still in school (I mean that's what I did). So yesterday I put on my running shoes and ran for 2 miles... I'm not gonna lie it was so hard for me just to get out the door. Running wasn't as bad as I thought it would be it was hard to keep going and after about 1.5 miles I needed to walk because it was getting hard to breathe. I only walked for about a minute because the wind picked up and I was getting cold.

I'm really needing an accountability partner(s) to make sure that I've done some sort of active for the day. Can you hold me accountable? I'll even say the magic word... PLEASE?

I'm planning on blogging about my progress, so stay tuned :)

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Monday, January 24, 2011


I may be a little late, being that January is coming close to an end, but I have decided to make a few new years resolutions and will be sharing them with you all very soon (once I've decided on them all). I figure that this list will be more of a year long "To Do:" list.

Here are a couple that I've decided on before the new year had started.

1. Read the Bible in a year
2. Purge ALL clutter in my life
3. Finish projects that have been started
4. Read and write reviews on all the books I read
5. Post on my blog at least once a week

And that's just a few on my list!
I hope you are all having a great start for the new year!

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