
Tuesday, January 31, 2012

My golden birthday is in 24 days! A"golden birthday" is when the date of your birthday and age are the same. I'm turning 24!!! As of right now I don't have any plans for my birthday, but may be on a road trip... I'll explain more on that later. I was pinning a few months back and I saw a birthday story that I'm thinking about copying because I love the idea so much. This lady was turning 30 and to celebrate, but in a different fashion, she did 30 random acts of kindness to complete strangers! I absolutely love the idea of serving others on your birthday.

Have you ever heard of "golden birthdays"? Did you celebrate your "golden birthday"?

Monday, January 9, 2012

Journaling: High, low and funny

The journaling theme for January is high, low and funny. Everyday for the month of January I will reminisce about the highs, the lows and the funnies. At the end of the month I will share all 31 days worth.


I'm not one to actually follow trough with resolutions. So this year I've made some short term goals. I'll share with a lot more detail when they've been completed and maybe a few details along the way for a couple of them.

Here's my list:
1. Be more active for a month (walking, running, biking, rock climbing, etc.) I figure I'll continue it for longer but to start I think setting it for a month is enough to make it happen!
2. Journal everyday (a theme per month to make life interesting)
3. Take ukelele lessons (they start on the 18th!)
4. Hangout with friends more often!!!
5. Travel more!

There you have it several goals that I've made for 2012 so far! I'm excited to achieve these goals and add more to the list!