
Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Cross it off the list :o)

So I can cross a few things off the long list of things to do.... but I had to add a few more things to do to keep me busy.

  • I finished my APPLICATION for Frontier Ranch to become a camp counselor.
    • I now have to ask one more person to fill out a reference form and send it in ASAP!
    • I'll do that tomorrow :o)
  • I turned in my APU APPLICATION
    • Now have to ask for people to fill out reference forms for me (I have to ask a Teacher and a Christian Leader).
    • And I have to get my transcripts sent to APU (I already requested for my high school transcripts to be sent)
  • I need to study for my finals that are in two Mondays from now...
  • I have TWO doctors appointments in the next 3 weeks... for totally different things..... I'm scared to go to one of them although it has to be done I've been complaining about it for probably 3 years now.... oops!
  • I get to go to my cousins wedding at the ranch! I love going to the ranch.... most people think I'm a city slicker but deep down I love to be in the open fields and the smell of horses and cattle. And the beautiful sight of wrangler butts!
  • I have got to CLEAN my room like majorly clean it! If I'm going to be gone all summer my room will surely be used as a guest room.... so it's got to be clean before I leave :o(
    • I don't want to clean my room.... and it's not like the floor is covered its that I use my dresser as a catch all and you can't tell that there actually is a flat surface....
  • I need to FIND a date for Karly's wedding! Oh and a Pretty Dress!

I know there is a lot more that I need to do but for right now this is a BIG list.... well sort of.

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