
Saturday, June 14, 2008

Camp Name

So here at Frontier Ranch all camp staff have nick names and for those who are new staff get names by the end of the week....

Last night was the naming ceremony, I waited anxiously as all the other staff gave ideas for nick names by yelling and screaming trying to get their idea noticed by me.... here were they're suggestions
  • Chipper
  • Spontaneous
  • Ginseng
  • Gouda (but pronounce the "g")
  • Sweet Pea
  • Freckles

So which do you think became my nick name I bet you'll never guess it......

Sweet Pea
So here is how I got the name. A few of the other girl counselors and I were talking about going to the bathroom. One of them was saying how she had been peeing pretty much every hour, I laughed and said "If you think that's bad I peed for almost 2 whole minutes!" Everyone responded with that's a "sweet pee". The name stuck and was brought up during the naming ceremony.... but "pee" is not appropriate so it is spelled "pea".

Onomatopoeia, Button, Sumo, Sweet Pea
Going to square dance dressed as bandits


  1. I still like Gulli the best! I bet you didn't even mention that one to them! Punk!

    Hey, do you do anything special to put the white border around your pictures? I want borders around my pictures!

    Miss you! Love you! Hope you're having a great week!

  2. YAY! what a fun nickname and even better story to go with it. lol

    Have a great summer, Sweet Pea!

  3. I'm excited that I now have met most of the people behind the bandanas!
