
Tuesday, October 14, 2008


Last summer I found out that I am allergic to kiwi. OK, cool, whatever, I had never been allergic to anything before. Like really allergic: itchy throat, swollen tongue, trouble breathing, blood shot eyes, an itchy feeling all the way to the inside of my stomach. I'm used to the seasonal stuffy nose and watery eye thing, that's nothing compared to my newly found allergy. Today, I found out that I am allergic to more than just kiwi... I am allergic to yet another fruit which happens to be one of my favorites; crenshaw melon. You see I could care less that I'm allergic to kiwi. Why you ask? Because I never liked kiwi to begin with, but this melon is my favorite of all melons!

What does the fruit have in common? Well, kiwi, crenshaw, cantaloupe, and honeydew all have the same enzyme. I just happen to be allergic to that enzyme. Lucky me! Strange thing is that I haven't had a reaction to cantaloupe or honeydew yet but to avoid in itchy swollen innards and throat and tongue, I now have to avoid eating more fruit... Do you know how hard it is to always be checking juice labels to see if if you're allergic? It's a pain in the hiney!!!


  1. Girl I feel you pain!!! I wasn't allergic to any food until I was 22. Suddenly I was allergic to Soy, raw Nuts, raw Carrots, whatever they put on the outside of apples and bell peppers (the preservatives or something) etc... Keep Childrens Chewable Benedryl with you at all times. One tablet (they come in grape and cherry... I prefer grape)is half the strength of a normal Bendryl and it starts to work within 5-15 minutes!!! So if its really bad chew two. If it is just at the begining stage of the itching and swelling see if just the one will fix it. They can make you tired so the less you have to take the better. You may also want to talk to your Dr. about getting an Epie Pin. God forbid your throat ever swell so much you can't breath, you jam this Pin in your leg and it will open your airways.... I have one in my purse at all times. Thank the Lord I have never had to use it... but with random food allergies coming up all the time... you never know. Sorry girl!! Its fun getting older and falling apart isn't it?! ;p

  2. Ya, it really does suck! I don't even want to think about all the other allergies I probably have... I should see a doctor though and get an Epie Pin because my throat does swell... I'm glad that I'm not the only one with weird allergies, because all my friends yesterday that heard about my reaction made fun of me...

  3. We can be weird together. Power in numbers. ;p

  4. I'm CPR Certified and have been trained on how to use an Epie Pin! I'll save you Kaitin!
