
Thursday, November 13, 2008

41 days...

I got an email today counting down the days until Christmas. FYI: there are 41 days until then.
Christmas really seems to have slipped up fast. Everyone at school (minus me) have been decorating and spreading the Christmas cheer. I feel like Scrooge, I'm just not ready for the Christmas cheer. Whatever happened to Thanksgiving? I keep hearing the same excuse, "We want our decorations up for longer than a week". You see we technically only have one week until Christmas break after Thanksgiving, well one week of actual classes and then the next week are finals. I understand the wanting to decorate, and the reason for decorating so early, but Christmas has almost caught me by surprise by sneaking up on me so fast. I've made my Christmas list it's separated into 2 different sections. No, I am not anal, I decided to make my list into Needs and Wants. I never in a hundred years thought I would be asking for home decor or kitchen appliances, but there is a time where you grow up and move out and have to start from scratch.

For the sake of me, could you so kindly not be all Christmas-y until after Thanksgiving?


  1. Gobble gobble gobble.

    It's hard when you practice Christmas songs at choir.

    Would you like to watch me sing on 12/21?

  2. HECK YES!
    I'll be there in the front row... maybe I'll even bring some friends! :)
